

Comfrey has been used throughout history to treat a wide variety of ailments such as bronchial problems, broken bones, sprains, arthritis, gastric and varicose ulcers, severe burns, acne and other skin conditions. It has been found to contain bone and teeth building properties in children and has value in treating "many female disorders.” It has traditionally been called “knit-bone”, “boneset”, as well as its Latin name “symphytum” (from the Greek symphis, meaning growing together of bones, and phyton, a plant). Comfrey contains the small organic molecule allantoin, which is known to stimulate cell growth and repair while depressing inflammation.

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Olive Oil

Olive oil has a long history of being used as a home remedy for skincare. Egyptians used it alongside beeswax as a cleanser, moisturizer, and antibacterial agent since pharaonic times. In ancient Greece, olive oil was used during massage, to prevent sports injuries, relieve muscle fatigue, and eliminate lactic acid buildup.



Beeswax has non-allergenic properties that make it a useful skin protection from various airborne allergies. Beeswax provides anti-inflammatory and antioxidant qualities.

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Coconut oil has been a dietary and beauty staple for millennia. It's a powerful destroyer of many microbes, from viruses to bacteria to protozoa, many of which can be harmful. Around 50 percent of the fat in coconut oil is lauric acid, which is rarely found in nature.


Lavender Oil

Lavender can be applied directly for cuts, scrapes, wounds, burns, insect stings, rashes, muscle aches, rheumatism, arthritis, cold sores, canker sores, blisters, bruises, athlete's foot, and rubbed directly into the temples in case of headache or migraine.

Sage Oil

Sage contains a compound called thujone, an effective agent against both salmonella and candida. Sage is both an antioxidant and an anti-inflammatory. For this reason, sage has been found to be beneficial for fighting such inflammatory conditions as gingivitis and rheumatoid arthritis.


lemon oil

Lemon is best known for its ability to cleanse toxins from the body and is widely used to stimulate lymph drainage, to rejuvenate energy, purify skin and act as a bug repellant.


wintergreen oil

Wintergreen is used externally for joint problems, muscular discomforts, cramps, inflammation, rheumatism, arthritis, psoriasis, bruises, eczema, improper blood circulation, cellulite, and headaches.

Clove oil

Clove is useful for wounds, cuts, scabies, athlete’s foot, fungal infections, bruises, prickly heat, and other types of injuries. It can also be used for treating insect bites and stings.


chickweed oil

Chickweed is extremely effective in treating minor burns, lesions, acne, wounds, eczema, insect bites, nettle burns, psoriasis, and gout.